Friday, February 08, 2008

Last month we had a death in our family that has been pretty hard on me. I haven't been reading like I usually do. I haven't been able to focus on as much. I've been reading mostly manga. Also, I can pretty much read a Meg Cabot books any time. If there is a nuclear holocaust, I will probably be able to handle it in a calm, breezy manner as long as I have a couple of her novels to calm me down. MaryJanice Davidson usually perks me up to.

Does anyone else have any comfort reads?

1 comment:

Iliana said...

Hi Sarah - Thank you for stopping by my blog the other day. Glad to hear you've enjoyed some of the books I've selected for the Once Upon a Time challenge. Do you think you'll participate?
Thank goodness for those comfort reads right? I remember several years ago when I was going through a very difficult time the only thing that I could read were cozy mysteries and People magazine :)
Hope you'll find a lot of good, comfort reads.